Happy Retirement: The Psychology of Reinvention

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Published by DK

RRP: CA$24.95

About Happy Retirement: The Psychology of Reinvention

A practical, fully illustrated guide to planning and enjoying retirement, grounded in psychological research.

Retirement can bring immense fulfillment but also can be a source of stress, especially today. Retirement: The Psychology of Reinvention uses psychological research and a unique visual style of infographics and illustrations to provide readers with a retirement roadmap just right for them.

Fully illustrated, with constructive advice for all retirees - whatever the age and circumstances - and inspirational guidance from a wealth of sources, Retirement: The Psychology of Reinvention answers all the questions readers are likely to ask at any stage of retirement.


"For readers who want a well-researched field guide... this will be a valuable armchair resource, with its many points to consider and discuss." - Publishers Weekly

"The book's big-picture perspective takes in all aspects of what goes into choosing what comes next, from work and money to values, interests, skills, talents and aspiration." - The Wall Street Journal

"Presenting practical advice and research-based findings, this work provides readers with a dress rehearsal as they prepare for their next role in this play called life." - Library Journal