
Silver jubilee calendar published

24th April 2023 saw a momentous event in the DK India office as employees came together for the first time since the pandemic broke out, to attend an in-person Townhall address.

Despite everyone being masked up, the smiling eyes, giggles, and warm conversations showed the great bonding and team work DK is known for.

At the Townhall, after all the presentations, Aparna Sharma, Managing Director of DK India, announced a surprise for everyone on account of 25 years of DK India. She unveiled the Silver jubilee commemorative calendar together with Virien Chopra, senior editor, whose idea took shape with the help of some other employees. The calendar was later distributed among all the employees and everyone encouraged to participate in the ideation and execution of initiatives for our Silver Jubilee celebrations across the year.

Soma B. Chowdhury
Knowledge, DK Delhi